Thursday 8 January 2015

#008 - Coming Out and Song of the Week

Hello Friends!

Some of you already know, some of you probably suppose... yes, I am gay. It is nothing special, I guess. Today, I want to tell you something about coming out (of the closet) and give you some advice.

If you are homosexual:

Do not force yourself to tell others.

First of all, never force yourself to come out to anyone. Coming out to everyone may be even dangerous as there are still many homophobes around you. Make sure you know the person you want to come out to. You do not have to do this unless you are ready. And everybody has own secrets, after all. You are not an exception.
Do not be afraid.

Sometimes it takes longer to discover your sexuality. Many people question their sexual orientation. You may not be sure what your preferences are but do not worry. It is known that sexual orientation can change during your life. Do not label yourself if you are not sure who you are and do not be afraid of accepting your own orientation.

If you are a friend of a homosexual person:
Do not make your friend come out.
If your friend is still closeted, and comes out to you, never make him or her come out to others and do not out him or her. He or she trusts you and maybe needs your support. It is not your decision. Your friend should come out on his or her own.
 Stay by your friend's side.

If your friend tells you about his or her sexual orientation, do not reject him or her. It is probably one of the worst things you can do. Even if you do not like the idea of your friend being homosexual, stay by his or her side. You are friends, for goodness' sake!
If you are a parent of a homosexual child:

Never force your child to change his or her orientation.

Do not make your child change himself or herself. It does not work and it is not comfortable. Accept your child's preferences.

Support your child.
You may not know but your support is really important for your child. You are the parent. You have to help your child. You are the one to support your own child in everything he or she does. Your child needs you. When he or she comes out to you, do not reject him or her. Try to understand your child instead. 

I wrote here only few thoughts but I hope it may be useful for you.

It is time to announce you the second Song of the Week. This week, I would like to recommend you 'A Thousand Years' by Christina Perri. This beautiful song always makes me happy, no matter how many times I have already heard it.

Also, if you like my blog, make sure you follow me by email not to miss my new posts.


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