Friday 2 January 2015

#002 - Postcrossing and My First Postcard

Hello Friends!
Today I want to tell you something about a wonderful website called Postcrossing. On this website you can send postcards to people from all over the world and receive postcards back from random people. Of course, it has its own advantages and disadvantages.
Main advantages:
+ You are able to receive postcards from almost every country.
+ Every postcard has its own ID - receivers have to register the postcard they receive and then you can receive your own postcard from another (random) user.
+ It is always a good surprise to find a new postcard in your mail box.
+ You can check how many postcards you have already sent, received and how many postcards were expired (it means your postcard travelled too long and probably was not received).
Main disadvantages:
- You do not know the person who sends you a postcard.
- You are never sure what will be sent to you (however you can write in your profile what you would like to receive).
Summing up, I would definitely recommend you this website if you want to start collecting postcards!
I started using almost two years ago and the first postcard I ever received was from Washington D.C. I received it on the 13th of August 2013 and I really liked it.
The postcards shows the Washington Monument which honours the first president of the United States, George Washington. It is considered to be both the tallest stone structure (it is made of marble, granite, and bluestone gneiss) and the tallest obelisk in the world. It stands 555 feet 5 18 inches (169.294 meters) tall. There are also photos of the U.S. Capitol Building where the U.S. Congress meets, the White House which is the official residence of the President, the Lincoln Memorial honouring the 16th President of the U.S., Abraham Lincoln, and the Jefferson Memorial dedicated to the 3rd President of the U.S. The postcard was sent to me by Erin. Thank you so much, Erin!
Since then I have received postcards from more than 25 countries. I am going to tell you about them next time.
Have a good day!
Sebastian :*

1 comment:

  1. Postcrossing is really nice website. I received 18 postcards (today from Japan and Netherlands, yaaaay) and every one makes me happy! My first postcard is from Germany and my favourite are from Netherlands. I loooove Postcrossing!
