Friday 23 January 2015

#012 - My Tibetan Dream, 28 Countries and Song of the Week

Hello Friends!

I had been trying to get a postcard from Tibet since I started sending and receiving postcards. It was my big dream! Few months ago I finally found a person who helped me with making my dream come true. Eventually, I received a wonderful postcard from Lhasa. It was sent to me by Hirakawa. Thank you so much!

The postcard shows how the annual Shoton Festival (also known as the Yogurt Festival) is celebrated in the summer, from the 15th to the 24th of the 5th lunar month.

Yesterday, I received an interesting postcard from the Philippines. It was sent to me by my old friend Charmaine. Thank you very much! The Philippines - the 28th country I have received a postcard from.

By the way, I intended this blog to be about postcards and, as you can see, there are not too many posts about them. I am not sure why but I feel like I want to write not only about postcards. It would be boring to read about them all the time, would it not? I hope you do not mind another topics. I also consider changing the name of this blog, so that more people could find it easier.

I have the fourth Song of the Week for you. This time I want to recommend you something unusual. Have you ever heard about Jadea Kelly? No? Alright, you probably do not know her as she is not really known, whereas her songs are very good and deserve to be listened. Ladies and gentlemen, our Song of the Week - 'Lone Wolf' by Jadea Kelly.


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