Saturday 14 February 2015

#013 - The Valentine's Day and Song of the Week

Hello Friends!

Many days had passed since I wrote the last post. You have to forgive me as I was really busy and I am currently sick. I did not forget about my blog and about you though. I have received many new postcards and some of them are gorgeous (however I appreciate every single card you send to me). I am going to show you them in my next posts.

Today we celebrate probably the most amatory day in the whole year - the Valentine's Day. Due to this fact I want to wish you a wonderful day with your love! And remember - no matter who you love. Love is love. Be who you are. You are beautiful. 

I have another Song of the Week for you. Today, I want to share with you a song by Hozier - 'Take Me to Church'. Please, let me know if you like this song and tell me what song you want to be the next Song of the Week next time!

I love you all,
Sebastian <3

Friday 23 January 2015

#012 - My Tibetan Dream, 28 Countries and Song of the Week

Hello Friends!

I had been trying to get a postcard from Tibet since I started sending and receiving postcards. It was my big dream! Few months ago I finally found a person who helped me with making my dream come true. Eventually, I received a wonderful postcard from Lhasa. It was sent to me by Hirakawa. Thank you so much!

The postcard shows how the annual Shoton Festival (also known as the Yogurt Festival) is celebrated in the summer, from the 15th to the 24th of the 5th lunar month.

Yesterday, I received an interesting postcard from the Philippines. It was sent to me by my old friend Charmaine. Thank you very much! The Philippines - the 28th country I have received a postcard from.

By the way, I intended this blog to be about postcards and, as you can see, there are not too many posts about them. I am not sure why but I feel like I want to write not only about postcards. It would be boring to read about them all the time, would it not? I hope you do not mind another topics. I also consider changing the name of this blog, so that more people could find it easier.

I have the fourth Song of the Week for you. This time I want to recommend you something unusual. Have you ever heard about Jadea Kelly? No? Alright, you probably do not know her as she is not really known, whereas her songs are very good and deserve to be listened. Ladies and gentlemen, our Song of the Week - 'Lone Wolf' by Jadea Kelly.


Tuesday 20 January 2015

#011 - The Uncommon Reader

Hello Friends!

Today, I would like to tell you something about one of my favourite books.

Have you ever read 'The Uncommon Reader' by Alan Bennett? He is one of the leading British dramatists. He won many awards for his books, screenplays and acting.

'It was the dogs' fault.'

'The Uncommon Reader' is a short novella telling the story about Her Majesty Elizabeth II who accidentally, led by her yapping corgis, comes to a travelling library outside Buckingham Palace. Having discovered this place, she feels obligated to borrow a book. It is not really easy for her as she did not use to enjoy reading books. Obviously, she read books, as everybody does, but she left liking them to other people. Reading is a hobby and the Queen could not have hobbies, she thought, because 'hobbies involved preferences and preferences had to be avoided; preferences excluded people.'
After reading the first book borrowed from the library (Ivy Compton-Burnett, a difficult one for an amateur reader, taking some reading), Her Majesty becomes obsessed with books. She employs Norman Seakins, a boy she met in the mobile library, as her amanuensis - a literary assistant. The novella follows the consequences of this obsession. Her public duties begin to suffer. The obsession leads to an unexpected ending.
I have already read this book three or four times in both Polish and English. The Polish title is 'Czytelniczka znakomita' and it has an interesting cover - you can see it on the left.
I would reccomend this book to everyone who likes great stories, a bit of humour, and a good entertainment.


Friday 16 January 2015

#010 - Song of the Week

Hello Friends!

Last week, I did not have too much time to write here but my winter holidays  have just started and I am going to write something new.

Meanwhile, I have a new Song of the Week for you. This week, I am in love with 'Dirty Paws' by Of Monsters and Men. If you do not know their music, go and check them out!

Have a good weekend!

Friday 9 January 2015

#009 - Interview

Hello Friends!
Today, I decided to interview my friend from Ukraine. Olya agreed to answer a few questions for you.
Me: First of all, do you find your country interesting? What is the best part of living in Ukraine?
Olya: I think my country is interesting for foreign people. It is good to visit Ukraine, to watch its places of interest and so on... But it is hard to live here. Especially now. I suppose you know what I am talking about.
Yes, we all know the current situation in Ukraine. What do you think about the conflict between Ukraine and Russia? Does it have an impact on the life of people from your city?
Yes, of course. This situation has an impact on the life of people from my whole country. Our currency fell and prices increased, but salaries stayed the same.
You said that Ukraine is an interesting country for foreign people. Do you have many tourists?
Yes. Also a lot of people from all over the worls come to Ukraine to study. As for tourists, our mountains in the west and Crimea attract them.
I guess many tourists are also interested in Ukrainian traditions. What are the most unusual Ukrainian traditions?
The most strange tradition is celebrating "Старого Нового года".
The Old New Year? Yes, it is really weird. (The Old New year is an informal holiday, celebrated traditionally as the start of new day by the Julian Calendar which is used by the Ukrainian Orthodox Church. The Russian Soviet Federative Socialist Republic adopted the Gregorian Calendar in 1918 and it caused the problem of celebrating the New Year. Since then there have been two New Years.)
What are the most popular Ukrainian dishes?
Undoubtedly they are borshch and dumplings. These are traditional Ukrainian dishes.

How do you deal with two languages spoken in your country? All the institutions use Ukrainian but what if somebody speaks only Russian?
All the people in Ukraine understand Ukrainian. And for us it does not matter what language we use. Even in schools many teachers speak only Russian but our books are written in Ukrainian. Because we live in Ukraine and it is our national language.
Alright, thank you very much for your answers. I wish you all the best.

Thursday 8 January 2015

#008 - Coming Out and Song of the Week

Hello Friends!

Some of you already know, some of you probably suppose... yes, I am gay. It is nothing special, I guess. Today, I want to tell you something about coming out (of the closet) and give you some advice.

If you are homosexual:

Do not force yourself to tell others.

First of all, never force yourself to come out to anyone. Coming out to everyone may be even dangerous as there are still many homophobes around you. Make sure you know the person you want to come out to. You do not have to do this unless you are ready. And everybody has own secrets, after all. You are not an exception.
Do not be afraid.

Sometimes it takes longer to discover your sexuality. Many people question their sexual orientation. You may not be sure what your preferences are but do not worry. It is known that sexual orientation can change during your life. Do not label yourself if you are not sure who you are and do not be afraid of accepting your own orientation.

If you are a friend of a homosexual person:
Do not make your friend come out.
If your friend is still closeted, and comes out to you, never make him or her come out to others and do not out him or her. He or she trusts you and maybe needs your support. It is not your decision. Your friend should come out on his or her own.
 Stay by your friend's side.

If your friend tells you about his or her sexual orientation, do not reject him or her. It is probably one of the worst things you can do. Even if you do not like the idea of your friend being homosexual, stay by his or her side. You are friends, for goodness' sake!
If you are a parent of a homosexual child:

Never force your child to change his or her orientation.

Do not make your child change himself or herself. It does not work and it is not comfortable. Accept your child's preferences.

Support your child.
You may not know but your support is really important for your child. You are the parent. You have to help your child. You are the one to support your own child in everything he or she does. Your child needs you. When he or she comes out to you, do not reject him or her. Try to understand your child instead. 

I wrote here only few thoughts but I hope it may be useful for you.

It is time to announce you the second Song of the Week. This week, I would like to recommend you 'A Thousand Years' by Christina Perri. This beautiful song always makes me happy, no matter how many times I have already heard it.

Also, if you like my blog, make sure you follow me by email not to miss my new posts.


Wednesday 7 January 2015

#007 - First Week of 2015

Hello Friends!

My first week of this year was not really bad. I would even say it was great. Not too much happened though.

I went bowling with my parents and my sister (I won!), I started blogging and writing happy notes, I suppose I fell in love with the Lord of the Rings, especially with the elves, and I went to barber's today but I need my hair to grow up to change my hairstyle.
